Pangi Valley in Chamba, Himachal Pradesh

Pangi Valley in Chamba, Himachal Pradesh.

Pangi Valley of Pretty Faces Chamba is the western most district of Himachal Pradesh, the river Chenab runs through in the north and the river Ravi in the south. Cold and desolate, the Chenab valley called Pangi, is sublime in its beauty and grandeur.

 A trip to Pangi, in the interior of the Himalayas, is the ambition of many a traveller. At an altitude mostly above 2,438 metres (8,000 ft), in the midst of its wild rugged hills flows the great river Chandrabhaga in a deep and narrow gorge, lashing itself into a fury against the towering cliffs that imprison it. The higher regions contain more mountains rising one above the other beyond the snow line to a height of 5,386 to 6,706 metres (18-22,000 ft). Called Pangiyals, robust, gay and hardworking, the people have a reputation for pretty faces, beautiful dances and scenic splendour; after every few kilometres travellers will come upon a little village, situated on the open rock and of sparkling beauty.

 Many excursions can be made from this Centre. Adjoining junglesabound in game-from the snow leopard to the marmot and ormine weasel, in the dense forests of pine and cedar that protect the grassy slopes in rich pastures. The two ranges north and south of Pangi are the Great Himalaya and the PirPanjal, many small glaciers descend from their enclosing heights into the valley. There are stunted forests in the valley bottoms, while above them are high-level meadows. 
The area is sparsely populated. The rugged nature of the country, however, makes travel in this region fairly difficult, thus saving its beauty from the evil of commercialization.

Pangi Valley is at a distance of 137 km from Chamba and one of its sub-Divisions with headquarters at Killar, is the scenic valley of Pangi at the foot of the Himalayas, between two parallel ranges, the highest of which vary from 4,447 metres to 6,402 metres. It is a valley of grandeur and majesty, both in appearane and in effect. Its rugged charm and austere beauty is spectacular. It is highly populated between the Pangi and Zanskar ranges. 
The most convenient route for treking into the valley is through the Sach Pass, 4,428 metres high. The valley remains dry during the rainy season and attracts adventurous tourists for mountaineer-ing and trekking. There are still a few virgin peaks, 6,402 metres to 6,705 metres high, challenging the mountaineers.

 Mainly two communities namely Pangwala and  Shots inhabit this valley. In Pangi valley there is hardly any village or even hamlet where one or more temple is not there, but the most important out of them are MindhalVasni TempleFree Web Content, about 15 km and Temple of Purthi about 30 km from Killar.

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